Keeping the
Family Together:
Child & Family Services� Intact Family
Recovery Program Helps Josie�s Family
Josie�s Situation When
"Josie" gave birth to a substance-exposed infant at a hospital in
Chicago, she chose to enter the Intact Family Recovery program at
Haymarket Center. Her baby daughter and young sons, ages 2 and 5,
were able to stay with her during her rehab.
How Lutheran Child and Family
Services Helped After completing rehab, she moved into a
halfway house for several months and then into a supervised
apartment building. With her years of alcoholism having destroyed
her friendships and her connections to her parents and siblings,
Josie needed to rebuild her life. Her LCFS caseworker helped her get
connected with resources in her new community, such as a the local
Y, and she also went to AA meetings faithfully. Her caseworker made
sure she met all her court requirements and took good care of her
After nearly 2
years as an LCFS client, Josie's case has been closed, but she still
stays in touch with her caseworker and is fully enjoying her new
life of sobriety with her children. |