FAQs for Child and Youth
Investment Teams
Child and Youth Investment Team Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a
CAYIT if the youth is stepping down from residential to specialized
foster care?
No. If the youth is
stepping down from a group home or residential facility to specialized
foster care, the youth is automatically approved for specialized
foster care. The caseworker is responsible
for presenting the case at Regional Quarterly Matching meetings (QMM)
as outlined in Policy Guide 2003.07.
If custody is
taken of a child/youth who has special needs and these are know at the
time of placement, do I have to have a CAYIT before the child/youth
can be approved for specialized foster care?
No, Procedures for matching children to special
services at time of initial placement have not changed. In every case,
DCP or the screening worker should submit the CFS 418-J, Checklist for
Children at Initial Placement, to the regional assignment unit (CAPU
for Cook County, APT for Downstate Regions) for all children entering
substitute care, even if the child was previously placed in substitute
care, will remain the same.
If a child is
identified with having a severe or chronic condition that requires a
highly structured program (i.e., if ANY of the items other than �none�
are selected on the CFS418J), the worker making the decision to place
a child MUST fax this form AND supporting documentation to the DCFS
Specialized Foster Care Unit at 312-814-1905.
The fax
must include the following information:
418-J, Checklist for Children at Initial Placement
Recent supporting documentation from the providers that describe the
child�s identified needs, including diagnosis, what services are (or
have been) put in place, and what additional services the child needs.
The DCFS Specialized
Foster Care Unit will assess the case and will work with the worker to
match the child to appropriate programs that are responsive to the
child�s special need. If you have questions, please contact Kara
Teeple at 312.814.6880.
Who should attend these meetings?
At each meeting, in addition to CAYIT staff,
caseworker and supervisor are expected to attend. It is also critical
that the current caregiver(s) or other caregiver(s) attend along with
biological parents when appropriate. All children age 12 and older
are expected to participate in the staffing and it is the
responsibility of the worker to arrange the child�s participation. If
the worker believes there is clinical reason that the child should not
participate, the worker should contact the Reviewer scheduled for that
case to discuss the clinical issues. The Reviewer will make the final
determination as to whether or not the child should participate in the
staffing. In addition, psychologists, therapists, educational
staff, System of Care providers, SASS providers, child�s guardian ad
litem or other significant others in the child or youth�s life may
participate. Each team meeting will be individualized to include
those with relevant, current information about the child or youth and
those in a professional capacity who can contribute to informed, sound
decision-making and service planning for the child or youth.
I sent a
referral for a CAYIT staffing more than two weeks ago and I am unclear
as to the status of the referral?
CAYIT became
operational on 7/11/05 and cases are being prioritized and processed
for scheduling. We are aware that there are that are cases in which
the referring worker has not yet been contacted. Efforts are underway
to process all pending referrals. Thank you for your patience as we
roll out this CAYIT process.
Do I have to staff a pregnant and parenting
teen for placement in a TLP or ILO?
Yes, those youth who are pregnant
and/or parenting need to have a staffing. If the
youth the caseworker is
referring is pregnant and/or parenting, this includes females and
males, please indicate this on the CAYIT Universal Referral Form, page
1 block 23, Brief Description for Referral.
Should children and youth attend the CAYIT
All children age 12 and
older are expected to participate in the staffing and it is the
responsibility of the worker to arrange the child�s participation. If
the worker believes there is clinical reason that the child should not
participate, the worker should contact the Reviewer scheduled for that
case to discuss the clinical issues. The Reviewer will make the final
determination as to whether or not the child should participate in the
How long should I expect the CAYIT staffing
to take?
Those participating should anticipate
that the staffing would take 2 hours; however, there may be some
variance in this based on the complexity of the case being staffed.
July 15, 2005
To make a
referral for a CAYIT staffing, the CAYIT Universal Referral Form
(CFS 1452-1) is
available in the SACWIS templates. Please fill out the form
completely and e-mail to CAYIT Intake Staff. All referrals in Cook
regions should be e-mailed to Charmin Jones at
[email protected]. Her phone number is 312/814-6868. For
a referral in a downstate region, please e-mail the referral form to
[email protected]. She may be contacted at
312/814-6838. For non-SACWIS users, the child should be identified
only by first name and first initial of the last name and the social
security number should be omitted. Intake staff will acknowledge
receipt of the CAYIT referral and initiate the scheduling of the CAYIT
staffing. The CAYIT Action Plan
(CFS 1452-2) does
not need to be completed by the caseworker but rather will be
completed by the Implementation Coordinator at the CAYIT staffing.
Question Line continues to be available to answer any questions about
the new process. This Question Line will remain operational for sixty
days following implementation. To contact the Information Line,
please email or call Jill Tichenor at 217/278-5534 or
[email protected] or Lori Gray at 217/785-9240 or
[email protected].
may be appealed by filing an appeal through the Department�s service
appeal process. The service appeal for child welfare services
provided either directly or through a provider agency is governed by
Rule 337, Service Appeal Process.
The CAYIT Universal
Referral Form (CFS 1452-1) can be obtained from DCFS or found on the
CCAI web site at cca-il.org. This form is to be used when making any
type of referral for a CAYIT staffing. This form replaces all forms
previously used when requesting approval for residential, group home,
ILO/TLP and specialized foster care. This form is now available on
the SACWIS T drive.
Casework staff who are SACWIS users and who are requesting a
CAYIT staffing will complete this form electronically and send the
completed form to the Intake staff via Outlook. For all Cook regions
the referral form should be sent to Charmin Jones, [email protected],
(312) 814-4131 and for all downstate regions it should be sent to
Bobbie Reeves, [email protected]., 312 814 6838. Private
agency staff who are non-SACWIS users should save the attached form
electronically as a Word document so that it can be sent
electronically to the designated Intake staff. For non-SACWIS users
the child's last name should be only represented by an initial and the
social security number should be omitted.
Upon receipt of the referral form, the Intake staff will contact the
referring caseworker for additional referral information and to set up
a time and location for the CAYIT staffing. Attached to the CAYIT
Universal Referral form is the list of supportive documentation that
will need to be gathered and provided. The caseworker should begin
gathering the supportive documentation as soon as the referral is
made. Within two business days of contact from the
Intake staff to confirm referral receipt, the caseworker should submit
supportive documentation to CAYIT Intake Staff, DCFS, JRTC, 100 W.
Randolph 6-100, Chicago, IL 60601.
The multiple move case staffing process will now be a part of
CAYIT. As before, if a child on your caseload meets the multiple move
criteria, an automatic trigger is generated to intake staff. Intake
staff will contact the assigned worker of the need for a CAYIT
stafffing. At this time, intake for CAYIT multiple move staffings
will be managed by Missy Wind, [email protected]., (217)
785-5691. The process for documentation submission and time frames is
the same as for other CAYIT staffings outlined above.
Children who require a CAYIT staffing as a result of an
emergency shelter placement will be processed as stated above for
multiple move staffings. The intake functions for emergency shelter
placement will be managed by Charmin Jones for all Cook regions and by
Bobbie Reeves for all downstate regions. Again, the instructions for
documentation submission and time frames are the same as for other
CAYIT staffings. It is imperative that the referral form and
supportive documentation be sent within the established timeframes (2
business days) as these staffings must be scheduled within 7 days of
notification to intake staff of the shelter placement.
A CAYIT Question Line
is currently operational to answer questions about the new process and
to direct pending cases during the transition. The Question Line will
continue to operate for 60 days after implementation. To contact the
Question line, please call or e-mail Jill Tichenor at 217/278-5534 or
[email protected] or Lori Gray at 217/785-9240 or [email protected].
July 8, 2005
FAQs for Child and Youth
Investment Teams
CAYIT FAQs will be posted
on the DCFS D-Net and sent as Announcement via Outlook every Wednesday
and Friday. Please review past Announcements for previously answered
Who can request a CAYIT
Only a caseworker
or supervisor are to contact the Intake Coordinator to request a
CAYIT meeting. If a CAYIT meeting is requested by a person with
interest or involvement, the worker should review this request with
their supervisor and chain of command within their agency.
What is the role of the
Implementation Coordinator?
The Implementation Coordinator
is responsible for writing the action plan as developed during the
course of the CAYIT meeting. They will also assist, intervene and
problem-solve to facilitate successful implementation of the action
plan. The implementation coordinator will also monitor and evaluate
implementation of the CAYIT action plan.
What information
must I provide to the CAYIT team after the referral is made?
The Intake Coordinator will provide the referring caseworker or
supervisor with a list supportive documentation needed and where those
documents should be sent.
If I request
residential care for my youth and the CAYIT team recommends this as
the course of action, how long will it take me to get approval?
The CAYIT members are
empowered through the team decision-making model to make final
recommendation and approval for residential treatment, group home,
specialized foster care, transitional living and independent living.
No additional approvals outside of the CAYIT meeting are necessary.
Goals of the CAYIT process are to streamline decision-making
processes, deliver services earlier and subsequently stabilize youth
in out-of-home placements.
Multiple moves are a
trigger for a CAYIT staffing. What is a multiple move?
Multiple moves is the
terminology used when a DCFS youth experiences a third placement in
foster care after having experienced two other permanency placements
within the previous 18 months. The previous placement must have been
from a foster home or relative home placement.
FAQs for Child and Youth Investment Teams
July 11, 2005
CAYIT FAQs will be posted on the DCFS D-Net
and sent as Announcement via Outlook every Wednesday and Friday.
Please review past Announcements for previously answered questions.
How can I schedule a CAYIT meeting?
Effective today,
those needing to schedule a CAYIT meeting in the Northern, Central and
Southern regions should contact Bobbie Reeves at 312/814-6838, fax
number is 312/814-4131. Bobbie is located at the James R. Thompson
Center at 100 West Randolph, 6-100, Chicago, Illinois 60601. For
those needing to schedule in any Cook region, please contact Charmin
Jones at 312/814-6868, fax # 312/814-4131 at the same address. The
intake team will provide you with direction on the next steps that
need to be taken.
I understand that the CANS will be used in the
CAYIT process. What is the CANS?
The CANS is a Child and Adolescent Needs and
Strengths Comprehensive assessment. This informational integration
tool is designed to support individual case planning and the planning
and evaluation of service systems. The CANS will be completed on each
youth staffed through the CAYIT process by the Reviewer. This will be
one tool used to identify strengths and needs of the child as well as
service needs.
In the previous process, when
conducting the staffing for TLP/ILO the worker and supervisor had
already made a critical decision that this was the most appropriate
level of care and identified an agency to best serve the youth and
that agency was at the staffing. Will this be the same procedure with
Since the decision
to proceed to TLP/ILO is made at CAYIT, no pre-identification of
agencies or sending of packets should occur. The CAYIT will determine
first that TLP/ILO is the best course of action and will then
determine what program(s) is/are available to meet youth's needs. A
packet will be directed to those programs only.
What is the role of the facilitator in the
CAYIT process?
The goal of the facilitator is to focus the
groups� energy on a common task - to reach a decision about service
needs that protects and provides safety for the child in the least
restrictive/intrusive manner appropriate utilizing a team
decision-making approach. The facilitator manages the process and
structure of the meeting. They are responsible to ensure that a high
quality decision results from the meeting and that the decision is a
consensus decision with all participants.
If I have a disputed move, do I utilize the
CAYIT process?
Clinical Placement Reviews (Procedure 301.65,
Policy Guide 2003.01 and Rule 337) will continue for disputed moves
between foster care placements unless the move meets the criteria for
CAYIT intervention.
CAYIT FAQs will be posted
on the DCFS D-Net and sent as Announcement via Outlook every Wednesday
and Friday. Please review past Announcements for previously answered
When will the DCFS regional
Child and Youth Investment Teams (CAYIT) begin taking referrals?
Effective July 11, 2005, the
CAYIT process will replace the Placement Review Team (PRT),
Specialized Foster Care Review, ILO/TLP staffings, emergency shelter
placement 72-hour staffings and the Multiple Move staffing process.
July 5, 2005
Who do I call to
schedule a CAYIT meeting?
Each region will have Intake
Coordinators who will be responsible for the scheduling of CAYIT
meetings and these numbers will be provided to staff prior to the
implementation on July 11, 2005. Initially, there will be centralized
intake process and information on the contacts will be sent out and
shared in upcoming informational meetings. The CAYIT Intake staff
are responsible for determining whether referred cases meet CAYIT
eligibility criteria and for working with the caseworker and
supervisor to collect all required records and reports for the CAYIT
What will be the
responsibilities of the caseworker in this process?
Caseworker and supervisors
play a critical role in the multi-disciplinary planning,
decision-making and follow up process for children and youth. The
caseworker will be responsible for providing all the required records
and reports for the CAYIT meeting, participating in the meeting and
ensuring follow-up on recommendations agreed upon. Supervisory staff
are also required to participate the meetings. Caseworkers and
supervisors will be responsible for assisting in determining who
should participate in the CAYIT meeting and communicating this to the
intake staff.
Who should attend these
At each meeting, in addition
to CAYIT staff, caseworker and supervisor are expected to attend. It
is also critical that the current caregiver(s) or other caregiver(s)
attend along with biological parents when appropriate. Youth may also
attend when appropriate as well as psychologist, therapists,
educational staff, System of Care provider, child�s guardian ad litem
and/or any relevant DCFS specialist. Each team meeting will be
individualized to include those with relevant, current information
about the child or youth and those with a professional capacity that
is critical to make informed, sound decision-making about the child or
Will staff receive
training on this new process?
Yes, DCFS and POS supervisory
staff in each region will be trained by CAYIT staff prior to
implementation. Notification of the training will be forthcoming.
Supervisory staff will be responsible for ensuring that caseworkers
are familiar with process and procedures.
If I have a youth on my
caseload that is in need of a lateral move from one institution group
home to another, must this youth be staffed by the CAYIT team?
Yes, all lateral moves from
one institution to another institution (IPA to IPA), one group home to
another group home (GRH and GRH) and institution to group home (IPA to
GRH) must be staffed.
What role will CAYIT play in
intact family cases and post-adoption cases.
The CAYIT process if designed
to plan for children and youth who are in the custody of the
Department of Children and Family Services.