Public Act 094-0943
HB4135 Enrolled |
LRB094 14037 DRJ 48920 b |
AN ACT concerning regulation.
Be it enacted by the People of
the State of Illinois, |
represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The Children and Family Services
Act is amended |
by changing Section 5c as follows:
(20 ILCS 505/5c) |
Sec. 5c. Direct child welfare service employee
license. |
(a) By
January 1, 2000, the Department, in consultation |
with private child welfare agencies, shall develop
and |
implement a direct child welfare service employee
license. By |
January 1, 2001 all child protective investigators
and |
supervisors and child welfare specialists and
supervisors |
employed by the Department or its contractors
shall be required |
to demonstrate sufficient knowledge and skills to
obtain and |
maintain the license. The Direct Child Welfare
Service Employee |
License Board of the Department shall have the
authority to |
revoke or suspend the license of anyone who after
a hearing is |
found to be guilty of misfeasance. The Department
shall |
promulgate such rules as necessary to implement
this Section. |
(b) If a direct child welfare
service employee licensee is |
expected to transport a child or children with
a motor vehicle |
in the course of performing his or her duties,
the Department |
must verify that the licensee meets the
requirements set forth |
in Section 5.1 of the Child Care Act of 1969.
The Department |
must make that verification as to each such
licensee every 2 |
years. Upon the Department's request, the
Secretary of State |
shall provide the Department with the
information necessary to |
enable the Department to make the verifications
required under |
this subsection. If the Department discovers
that a direct |
child welfare service employee licensee has
engaged in |
transporting a child or children with a motor
vehicle without |
having a valid driver's license, the Department
shall |
immediately revoke the individual's direct
child welfare |
service employee license.
(c) On or
before January 1, 2000, and every year |
thereafter, the Department shall submit an annual
report to the |
General Assembly on the implementation of this
Section. |
(Source: P.A. 92-471, eff. 8-22-01.)
Section 10. The Child Care Act of 1969 is
amended by |
changing Section 5.1 as follows:
(225 ILCS 10/5.1) (from Ch. 23, par. 2215.1)
Sec. 5.1. (a) The Department shall
ensure assure
that no |
day care center, group home or child care
institution as |
defined in this Act shall on a regular basis
transport a child |
or children with any motor vehicle unless such
vehicle is |
operated by a person who
that complies with the
following |
requirements: |
1. is 21 years of age or older;
2. currently holds a valid driver's
license, which has |
not been revoked or suspended for one or more
traffic |
violations during the 3 years immediately
prior to the date |
of application; |
3. demonstrates physical fitness to
operate vehicles |
by submitting the results of a medical
examination |
conducted by a licensed physician;
4. has not been convicted of more than 2
offenses |
against traffic regulations governing the
movement of |
vehicles within a twelve month period;
5. has not been convicted of reckless
driving or |
driving under the influence or manslaughter or
reckless |
homicide resulting from the operation of a
motor vehicle |
within the past 3 years; |
6. has signed and submitted a written
statement |
certifying that he has not, through the
unlawful operation |
of a motor vehicle, caused an accident which
resulted in |
the death of any person within the 5 years
immediately |
prior to the date of application. |
However, such day care centers, group homes
and child care |
institutions may provide for transportation of a
child or |
children for special outings, functions or
purposes that are |
not scheduled on a regular basis without
verification that |
drivers for such purposes meet the requirements of
this |
Section. |
(a-5) As a means of ensuring
compliance with the |
requirements set forth in subsection (a), the
Department shall |
implement appropriate measures to verify that
every individual |
who is employed at a group home or child care
institution meets |
those requirements. |
For every individual employed
at a group home or child care |
institution who regularly transports children
in the course of |
performing his or her duties, the Department
must make the |
verification every 2 years. Upon the
Department's request, the |
Secretary of State shall provide the Department
with the |
information necessary to enable the Department
to make the |
verifications required under subsection (a). |
In the case of an individual
employed at a group home or |
child care institution who becomes subject to
subsection (a) |
for the first time after the effective date of
this amendatory |
Act of the 94th General Assembly, the
Department must make that |
verification with the Secretary of State before
the individual |
operates a motor vehicle to transport a child
or children under |
the circumstances described in subsection (a). |
In the case of an individual
employed at a group home or |
child care institution who is subject to
subsection (a) on the |
effective date of this amendatory Act of the
94th General |
Assembly, the Department must make that
verification with the |
Secretary of State within 30 days after that
effective date. |
If the Department discovers
that an individual fails to |
meet the requirements set forth in subsection
(a), the |
Department shall promptly notify the
appropriate group home or |
child care institution.
(b) Any individual who holds a valid Illinois
school bus |
driver permit issued by the Secretary of State
pursuant to The |
Illinois Vehicle Code, and who is currently
employed by a |
school district or parochial school, or by a
contractor with a |
school district or parochial school, to drive a
school bus |
transporting children to and from school, shall be
deemed in |
compliance with the requirements of subsection
(a). |
(c) The Department may, pursuant to Section 8
of this Act, |
revoke the license of any day care center, group
home or child |
care institution that fails to meet the
requirements of this |
Section. |
(d) A group home or child care
institution that fails to |
meet the requirements of this Section is guilty
of a petty |
offense and is subject to a fine of not more
than $1,000. Each |
day that a group home or child care institution
fails to meet |
the requirements of this Section is a separate
offense. |
(Source: P.A. 88-612, eff. 7-1-95.) |
Stories |
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Lisa, Youth Outreach Services |
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Shanese. Uhlich Children's Advantage Network (ucan) |
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Brian, Children's Home Success Stories, |
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Erin, Children's Home Success Stories, |
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Lifelink Works to Strengthen a Family through Foster Care |
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Keeping the Family Together: Lutheran Child & Family Services�
Intact Family Recovery Program Helps Josie�s Family |
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From Squalor to Sunshine: Lutheran Child & Family Services Housing
Advocacy Finds a New Home for Agnes and Her Family |
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The Children�s Place Helps Mary and Her Family Stay Together | |
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The Children�s Place Helps Kristin and Son Restart Their Lives
Kristin and Zion�s Situation
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