June 7, 2000 Meeting Minutes
Members in Attendance
Ken Dee, CHASI Sam Traylor, DCFS SACWIS
Kevin Singletary, CSS � Peoria Steve Bradshaw, DCFS/POS Liaison
Toleda Clark, Reaching The Mark Dennis Egolf, SACWIS
Jim Erickson, New Life Social Services Don Vacca, DCFS
Sue Grady, Youth Svc. Bureau, IL Valley Terry Trimble, Spectrum
George Thibeault, Catholic Charities Jan Schoening, CCA
Darlene Sweeney, Allendale Rommel Sangalang, CCA
Lory Sandberg, LSSI
Greg Kurth, Central Baptist
Zack Schrantz, Uhlich
Valerie Riley, Center for Hew Horizons
Members Absent
Richard Calica, Juvenile Protection Assoc. Frances Barnes, VOA
Bishop Aaron Holmes, Reaching the Mark Steven Minter, DCFS
Carol Winn, Ada S. McKinley Rebecca Cook, IARF
Deverrick Crawford, Lakeside Comm. Cmt Priscilla Parker, LCFS
Foster Centola, DCFS Kevin Velten, DCFS
Jan Schoening convened the meeting at approximately 10:30 a.m.
Minutes of May 2, 2000 meeting were previously mailed out, however, Zach Schrantz�s name was left off the Members in Attendance section; corrected minutes were distributed. Upon motion by Ken Dee and second by Priscilla Parker, the minutes were approved as corrected.
Best Practices Initiative Don Vacca presented information on the status of the Best Practice Initiative. The expert panel has completed its review of the Intake/Investigation piece and will be starting the review of the Assessment section next.
Don announced he is talking with a private agency person about joining the project on a full-time basis. This individual has spent a day with the Best Practice team already, and would be responsible, in part, for recruiting a small group of POS people to be available for immediate contact and input. This person will decide in the next couple of weeks about joining the project. Jan Schoening expressed the invitation for the person to join the SACWIS Advisory Committee as a member. In addition to this individual, there are talks going on with another private agency individual to join the project on a half-time basis.
There were several questions for Don and Sam about how best practice impacts the design of SACWIS and how to increase the involvement of POS in the BP/SACWIS process. AMS will use the Best Practice documents and workflow write-ups in conjunction with information from the various JADs, to design the SACWIS system. The people involved with the Best Practice documents will be in attendance at the JADs and will also be responsible to recruit other subject matter experts to the sessions.
Members of the committee expressed their concern that POS representation at the various JAD sessions, especially the June sessions, would not be adequate. There was not adequate notice of the specific dates to recruit the knowledgeable people necessary to represent the private agencies at the meetings. There is an overall concern that the June schedule and ensuing schedules would not allow for POS agencies to have an active role in the development of SACWIS. The private agencies have a considerable vested interest in the design of SACWIS and need to be sure they are represented by the right people at the various JADs.
Sam explained that the June sessions were at a very high level, looking at the 843 original requirements developed for the SACWIS RFP. No major changes are expected even though the requirements were written a couple of years ago. The July�September sessions will start the "drill down" process. Although both Phase I and II will be addressed in the July�September sessions to assure a smooth integration of Phase I design to Phase II design, the primary focus of these sessions will be on business scenarios and use cases for Phase I (Intake/Investigation) functionality. Sam expects the detailed schedule for the July sessions to be developed once the AMS Project Plan is finalized.
In response to a question, Don Vacca stated that Mary Dubois and Marge Berglind would be recruiting POS volunteers to serve on the functional design teams, and, the intent would be to have same people serve throughout the design process whenever possible. Mary is concerned about being considered the POS decision-maker. George asked how many seats were at the table and how many were set aside for the private agencies? (There was no answer to this question.)
Jan expressed a concern about the AMS contract and making sure the POS agencies are involved in the process. She thought the contract process should be revised to accommodate the POS involvement and that AMS need to be more aware of timelines that address needs of POS agencies. Don responded that everything will happen fast�to both DCFS and the private agencies. Jan asked if there was possibility of adjusting the AMS timeframes? Sam responded that under the fixed fee contract there was limited opportunity for change in scheduling to occur. DCFS may be able to impact the schedule on a quarterly basis when the Project Plan is revised, but it would be impossible to defer the JADs of June to a later date.
The membership then discussed how to secure participants to the June sessions. LSSI will attempt to provide someone for case management, both Cook and downstate. Catholic Charities will send someone to Resource Management. Chaddock was previously contacted by Steve to send a person to Resource Management. Sue and Ken will coordinate to send someone to the Court Processing session. It was agreed that the interface session didn�t need any other POS representation (note that Steve Bradshaw will be available for all sessions). Kevin Singletary will attend the Quality Assurance session and possible recruit another staff member, also. George Thibeault will attend the Administration session; Kevin and Sue will secure a downstate representative. Jan Schoening will attend the Eligibility session, and Zach will attend the Financial Management session. Steve will send the Other Requirements materials out to the membership for review, and will also E-mail a PDF formatted version of the entire requirements document out to the members.
Update on SACWIS Project
![]() | Organizational Structure � Don Vacca is serving as Engagement Manager, Sam is Project Manager and reports to Don. Sam will retain his responsibilities as ISD manager although some units will now report to Kevin Velten. John House and Connie Flower will head the Best Practice functional teams with Marilyn Arnold in charge of change management/training. |
![]() | Application Development and Implementation RFP � The AMS contract was executed on May 9th; AMS started immediately. |
![]() | QA RFP � The QA award was made to Spectrum/Maximus on May 9th and the contract signed effective June 1st. Spectrum was on-site and started their work immediately. Sam introduced Terry Trimble, Deputy Project Manager for Spectrum on the Illinois SACWIS project. |
![]() | Web site and Templates � Sam reported there was nothing new to share on templates. The DCFS Intranet site is controlled by the DCFS External Communications Division. It is projected to be about 6 months to implementation. |
Staffing � Additional Discussion � The technical assistant for the liaison was discussed. Sam and Steve will proceed with advertising this position. There is a new requirement of background checks for all contractual employees.
SACWIS/POS Equipment � Sam distributed the "Funding Strategy for POS Equipment" (attached to and part of these minutes). After a brief introduction, Sam turned the discussion over to Dennis Egolf. Dennis explained that the purpose of this paper was to initiate the collaborative effort (between DCFS and the private agencies) to achieve an agreeable funding solution. Dennis explained the document including an overview of the agreed upon terminal server solution and the difference between a rate increase methodology and the proposed cost add-on methodology. Dennis also explained the limitations placed on the funding from the fact that the money is in the foster care appropriation, restricting its use from Intact and from child protection categories.
There were several minutes of questions, answers, and comments surrounding the issue of the proposed funding strategy. The discussion focused on several areas:
![]() | Support personnel for the computers and printers. |
![]() | Fairness of the proposal when comparing agencies that have previously invested in technology vs. those agencies that have not; perception of non-equity. |
![]() | Desire for a specified dollar-per-seat that would be the same for each agency; equity for all agencies. |
![]() | The issue of refreshing equipment. The amount of funding is $2.5 million for three years, only; $7.5 million total dollars. |
Once an agreement is reached on the funding strategy, each agency will be preparing a plan.
A break was taken to allow the private agencies to caucus to discuss the funding proposal.
Following the caucus, Sam Traylor asked the members about the cost add-on concept. Is this an issue or not with the membership? The response was that this approach would be considered based on further discussion of implementation issues. The members stated their desire for a cost-per-seat split of the available money from the Department.
It was agreed to convene a small working group of POS and DCFS staff to
discuss the funding issue and try to reach an agreement. This group would
probably include those members from the CWAC Finance and Administration
committee who had participated in the working group sessions late last year
(discussing the Department�s rate increase methodology and proposed rates).
This meeting was scheduled for June 21st from
9:00 � 2:00 in Springfield, location to be determined.
CCA-MIS COMMITTEE � Zach reported on the CCA�MIS Committee meeting held on May 23rd. There were about 20 people in attendance with 4-5 agencies represented that were "new" to SACWIS. The primary focus of the meeting was SACWIS, funding and equipment. The POS agencies would like to combine resources and develop a centralized purchasing process to take advantage of large-group buying power.
Impact Survey � Timing and Process
The survey was discussed in reference to Spectrum�s QA work on the SACWIS project. There may be an advantage to integrating the survey into Spectrum�s assessment and planning process. Terry Trimble stated that Spectrum/Maximus will be doing change management work for the Department and the private agencies. George stated that he wanted the SACWIS Advisory Committee to be involved in the change management process. Sam will try to schedule the AMS and Spectrum change management staff to do a presentation at the July meeting.
Adjournment � With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned.
Talking Paper
The purpose of this document is to initiate collaborative efforts to develop a funding strategy for SACWIS related POS equipment.
At the May 2, 2000, CWAC SACWIS Advisory Committee meeting, a terminal server solution was identified and recommended by a SACWIS CWAC work group in response to private agency leaderships� desire to integrate the SACWIS application and associated hardware with private agencies� existing hardware/software configurations. At the May 2, 2000, CWAC SACWIS Advisory Committee meeting; "the private agency members unanimously agreed that the terminal server solution is an acceptable strategy for POS desktop integration, with the understanding that POS and DCFS work together to develop funding to support the strategy".
Key points regarding the terminal solution include:
![]() | Provides alternative for heterogeneous infrastructures and a migration path for MS 2000 Professional and the SACWIS application. |
![]() | POS end user desktops run the "thin client" software that connects the user to a terminal server (centrally located at DCFS facility), which provides another desktop image of the SACWIS environment. |
![]() | All SACWIS application processing takes place on the terminal server; the end user�s SACWIS window is updated with a new image only. |
![]() | The end user workstation also can connect to a local (POS) LAN and/or function as a stand-alone PC. |
![]() | The POS agency owns and supports the SACWIS hardware and software at agency sites; DCFS owns and supports the centralized terminal server. |
![]() | DCFS provides and supports connectivity to SACWIS application; DCFS supports SACWIS application. |
Funding Strategy Key Assumptions/Constraints:
![]() | Use SFY01 contracted caseworkers (BARCs and BATs for Cook County performance contracts and caseloads factored by FTE caseload standards for downstate contracts) for regular foster care and relative foster care |
![]() | For independent living and specialized foster care use agency caseload factored by ratios used in BoB proposal: 22.5 cases/1 worker for independent living and 12.0 cases/1 worker for specialized foster care. |
![]() | For intact family contracts use ratio (20 cases/1 worker) from BoB proposal or drop Intact Family workers if $2.5M cannot be used for Intact Family contracts. |
![]() | For the agency child protection contract, uses contracted FTE CPI�s or drop CPI�s if $2.5M cannot be used for child protection contracts. |
![]() | Site preparation |
![]() | Hardware � switches, workstations, printers |
![]() | Software � workstation operating system |
![]() | Installation and configuration including terminal server client software. |
Collaboration needed:
![]() | Survey/planning document as referenced above. |
![]() | Contract/contract amendment as referenced above. |
![]() | When install DCFS/SACWIS connection. |