CWAC/POS SACWIS Advisory Committee
January 11, 2000 Meeting Minutes
Members in Attendance
Ken Dee, CHASI
Sam Traylor, DCFS SACWIS
Kevin Singletary, CSS � Peoria
Steve Bradshaw, DCFS/POS Liaison
Priscilla Parker, LCFS
Dennis Egolf, DCFS SACWIS
Jim Erickson, New Life Social Services
Tom Teague, DCFS
Sue Grady, Youth Svc. Bureau, IL Valley
Jeff Kuhlman, DCFS
George Thibeault, Catholic Charities
David Sheets, Spectrum Maximus
Zack Schrantz, Uhlich
Jan Schoening, CCA
Valerie Riley, Center for Hew Horizons
Rommel Sangalang, CCA
Lory Sandberg, LSSI
Darlene Sweeney, Allendale
Greg Kurth, Central Baptist
Members Absent
Richard Calica, Juvenile Protection Assoc.
Frances Barnes, VOA
Bishop Aaron Holmes, Reaching the Mark
Steven Minter, DCFS
Deverrick Crawford, Lakeside Comm. Cmt
Carol Winn, Ada S. McKinley
Rebecca Cook, IARF
Foster Centola, DCFS
Jan Schoening convened the meeting at approximately 11:00 a.m. Self-introductions were made.
Minutes of December 7, 1999 meeting - Upon a motion by Kevin Singletary and a second by Ken Dee the minutes were unanimously approved.
SACWIS Project Management
Jan introduced Sam Traylor, the new DCFS SACWIS project manager, and asked for Sam's comments on the change in management and subsequent changes to the project. Sam was named SACWIS project manager about two weeks ago; he is transitioning from his
current role as ISD (DCFS Information Services Division) manager. He reports to Carolyn Cochran Kopel, DCFS Chief of Staff, who is functioning as the chief executive sponsor for the SACWIS project. In the next few weeks Carolyn and Sam will be
finalizing some key management and staffing roles in the project. The DCFS managers will correspond to managers from the application vendor. Sam also discussed the development of a high level steering/advisory committee for the project; private
agencies will probably be represented on this committee.
There were questions and concerns expressed about the private sector's involvement in the project, any changes to the role of the private agencies or to the vision of SACWIS, and the impact of the management change on the project overall. Sam explained the continued importance of the private sector in the development and use of SACWIS, and, there should be no change in the direction of SACWIS or the relationship with the Advisory Committee.
Jan explained that the Advisory Committee will be submitting questions to Sam and Carolyn about the management change.
Sam and Jan will prepare an informational piece to go to the private agencies on the change.
Update on SACWIS Project (Sam Traylor)
![]() | Application Development and Implementation RFP � Negotiations continue with AMS; it is expected that AMS will start their work on or about April 3, 2000. Sam distributed a Gantt chart of the AMS SACWIS timeline and brief explanations
of the major tasks associated with the project. The goal is to complete SACWIS for statewide implementation by December, 2002 (followed by a year of post-implementation support).
JAD work will be required in items #5 and 6, Software Requirements � Part 1 and 2. Phase 1, child protection, intake and investigation will directly impact only one private agency, Catholic Charities (of Chicago); that agency has the only non-DCFS intake/investigation unit. Phase 2 of SACWIS is the primary point of use for the private agencies. The plan for field-testing of the application includes POS agencies. There was discussion on data conversion and private agency involvement in the conversion or clean-up process. George expressed concern over the cost of data conversion/clean-up; how to staff and fund data checking and conversion activities. Phase 1 data (CANTS) conversion should be the most straight forward; phase 2 data conversion will be in the planning stages from the beginning of the project. Again, the private agency members expressed a concern that costs of a conversion will roll-down to the POS agencies with no reimbursement of costs involved. Sam explained that the methods used for data clean-up have yet to be determined. In response to a question, Sam explained the role of the Best Practices Engagement Manager. SACWIS is a tool to implement best practices. The members expressed a concern that the private agencies have not been involved in the best practices initiative. Some committee members have had DCFS staff tell them that best practice has been initiated, and, DCFS staff are using SACWIS. Sam explained the best practices guidelines have not been finalized or implemented and the "SACWIS" training (for DCFS staff) has been in the area of office automation, only. Sam will take the question of private agency involvement to Don Vacca, manager of the Best Practices Initiative. In response to a question about the lack of reference to POS involvement on the Gantt chart or the task information, Sam explained the chart was only a timeline of the various parts of the project, not a description of the people, or agency, resources needed to complete the tasks. Sam also explained that with aggressive project management the project will meet its deadlines. Jan expressed the concern that outside issues could impact the project's timelines, for instance, the rate increase methodology/cost issue. POS agencies must have the equipment, and the capacity to use the equipment, in order for SACWIS to function.
![]() QA RFP � Progress continues on the selection of the QA vendor. Quality assurance is vital to the Illinois SACWIS project. The QA vendor is expected to begin work at the same time as the application vendor.
![]() Y2K - Sam gave a report on the Department's processes, tests, and results of its Y2K compliance effort. All systems had been modified and tested prior to the roll-over weekend; all systems continue to operate as usual. Only a few
minor, easily repaired glitches were discovered as operations continued after January 1st. It was noted that all SACWIS equipment was Y2K compliant.
![]() Web Site and Templates � Tom Teague introduced Jeff Kuhlman who has recently joined the project after about three years in the DCFS training division. Jeff will be primarily responsible for developing and maintaining the SACWIS web
sites. He is currently developing a web site for the DCFS Intranet. This site will then be adapted to replace the existing SACWIS Internet site. Work on the newsletter will follow the web site work. | Tom reported that about 30 additional templates should be posted on the SACWIS Internet site during the next week or so. Dating of the templates is planned for the revised web site. |
Jan briefly discussed the multi-state conference call made in December and the need to make a follow-up call to continue discussions. Steve has not yet made the contact with the steering committee to address issues prior to the next call. Steve, Sam, and Jan will meet to discuss plans for another multi-state conference call.
Financing POS Equipment, Software, and Other Costs � Further Discussion
There has been no movement on the rate increase and no discussion on this issue has been held. Jan informed Sam that a letter is being prepared from the chairperson of the CWAC to Director McDonald on this key issue. It is hoped to have this letter
ready next week.
There were questions on the DCFS budget (next fiscal year) and the inclusion of funds for POS equipment, and, on Sam's position on resolving the rate increase issue. Sam stated that he would work with his supervisor, and with her supervisor to resolve this issue. Clearly, the Advisory Committee wants some movement on this important issue.
POS Data Group � Status Report (Priscilla Parker) No report from this group.
Other Issues
![]() | Sam will work with Steve on the POS equipment list questions.
![]() Travel reimbursement forms should continue to be given to Edie Skube; instructions and forms will be mailed to Greg and Lory. Sam will determine if new letters on state rates and reimbursements need to be prepared for the committee members.
| ![]() Members questioned if Carolyn Cochran Kopel will be attending the committee meetings. It was expressed that attendance at a meeting would be beneficial for introductory purposes, and, for the mutual benefit of all for future negotiations.
| |
� The meeting adjourned at approximately 12:35 p.m.